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5k to Morley 10k - for further info click HERE

We've created an events calendar for 2023 that hopefully will allow you to plan your years races a little easier - click HERE to view it.

Morley Running Club - Awards Night 2022 - Click HERE to see all our winners and photos from the evening.

The order has been placed for the Big Bobble

Hats, but the order window is still open and will

remain so until we take delivery.

MRC Big Bobble Hat for 2023, (click link)

Following lots of discussions, feedback from yourselves and committee meetings we have finalised some/most/what we can, our plans, events and competitions for 2023.

PARKRUN LEAGUE 2023 will obviously be back, a few changes to the event list have been made including a bit of Parkrun Tourism (location to be put to you to decide on), the scoring has been changed to hopefully encourage participation, reward commitment and add a bit more competitiveness to it.

RACE OF THE MONTH - as previously mentioned we will be picking 12 races across 2023 that we are going to promote that little bit more in the hope that we can get as many members entered as possible and make it a proper Maroon Monsoon takeover, we hope by doing this it may encourage people who are unsure or nervous about entering races will be more willing knowing that loads of fellow members will be there to support, plus give you a chance to race each other.

YORKSHIRE VETS ATHLETICS ASSOCIATION - we have signed the club up to the YVAA for 2023 and will look to get as many members as we can taking part in their race series. Have a look at their website for what they have planned so far. As this develops we will keep you all informed.

MRC REPRESENTATIVE LEAGUE - A competition to reward those that represent the club through the year.

This competition will entail receiving one point for attendance at each of a specified list of races throughout 2023, its as simple as that, it isn't performance based, the hope is that it will encourage our members to get out and race, and be proud to promote our club, whilst showing off our excellent club colours. Click HERE for more details.

MRC RELAY - MORLEY MUNGO WAY - We are hoping to arrange a club relay event around the Morley Mungo Way, if you don't know what this is, its basically a 30km trail loop around Morley, if any member would be interested in helping to organise this it would be greatly appreciated.

CLUB RUN BADGES - Who doesn't love a bit of bling, we are wanting to reward those of you that turn up week in week out to our club runs no matter what the weather. Finishing touches are being made to these badges that will reward those who clock up 25, 50 and 100 runs with us. The counting has already started from the beginning of 2022 so be on the look out as a badge may be coming your way.

RACE REPORTS - Lets have more of your run reports, you might not think so but people do like to read them and what others have done.

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