The Runner – Sarah Pinnock, First MRC Lady
Ever since the announcement of the Morley 10K, myself, like many others couldn't wait to enter the event.
Standing at the start line in the crowd of this sell out event I anticipated if I could manage the renowned and multiple Morley hills.
However, this was instantly forgotten as soon as the race began. The support from the volunteers, fellow Morley club Marshall’s and not to mention the amazing turnout and support from Morley community meant I lost track of time and just enjoyed the run. Morley bottoms was a specific highlight and lived up to its reputation. On each passing this crowd grew and the cheers were just brilliant! It gave particular motivation to push me up the final hill that is Queens street. Crossing the finish was a great relief added with the honour and joy to run as a member of the MRC and their first lady home. Bring on next year! 😃