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The Volunteer Marshal – Liz Truscott 

The big day had arrived, the inaugural Morley Running Club 10k race,I gathered my sparkly pom-poms, giant foam finger, megaphone and after several nervous/excited toilet trips I was ready. I arrived at the Town Hall for 7.25am where my Team-leader Ewelina issued me with my hi-vis, emergency contact lanyard and Danish pastry.

Ewelina, Anabela and Helen did a fabulous job of giving out late entry numbers and for runners who had lost their original number, over 200 numbers to give out!...I busied myself directly people to the queue, toilet, bus etc.

Before I knew it, it was nearly time to go to our positions.  My team was Ewelina, Anabela, Helen, Ellie and Zak. We were ‘TEAM 4k’ I was situated at Morley Bottoms so was able to see the runners at approx. 1.5k, 4k and then finally 9.5k!!

Morley bottoms was starting to get busy with people who had come to watch and cheer. Steve Cheeseman and students at Morley Academy had set up their water station.

The Town Hall clock chimed 9am and we waited……..a few minutes later the front runners were in sight!.....’.’C’MON!!!’ ‘WHOOP WHOOP’ YAY’’… bells, whistles, drums, clapping and shouting from the crowd.

It wasn’t long before everyone started coming past again as they were 4k into the race. It was amazing to see 750 people running, MRC club members, other club members but also good old Morley Folk having a go.

Just over 30 mins after the race had started the front runner came past and was about to start that god awful last hill to the finish line. AMAZING!

‘‘NEARLY THERE!!ONE MORE HILL YOU CAN DO IT!!’ the crowd were fantastic at encouraging everyone up to the finish line.

I had as much admiration for the lad who came in first at 34.05 to the last runner at 01.48 ..Massive kudos to all.

One word to sum up the day?............... ‘Fan-dabi-dozi’…..bring on next year !


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